The VoiceConnect Company Box serves as an all-in-one tool for businesses of any size. This class of service will give callers a main company greeting as well as three options to listen to frequently asked questions for callers about your company. These announcements may include fax number, website info, product specials, mailing addresses, directions to your store or office, hours of operation, etc. The callers will also have the ability to leave a general company message in this mailbox. If the caller chooses one of the options to hear an announcement, they will be automatically returned to the main greeting at completion to make another selection. The caller will also have the ability to press 0 to reach a company representative or be forwarded to any pre-programmed phone number as well.
Let’s say that your business lines are busy or no one answers you phone. After four rings your lines are forwarded to our VC Company Box and you can hear the following: